
Shotokan is a traditional Japanese "hard" style of karate, emphasizing the development and control of power, smoothness and balance in punching, kicking, blocking/parrying and body shifting. Advanced training includes both force deflection and opponent control techniques (throws, joint locks, etc.).  The emphasis is on gaining physical resilience, balance, flexibility, bodily awareness, coordination and power by learning the combative techniques of a traditional Japanese empty-hand martial art.  The Shin-kyu  ("new-old") name is used with Mr. Leroy Rodrigues' permission, and is as well the name of his dojo in South San Francisco; I consider myself to be teaching an affiliate, if not a branch dojo of his.


I am now living near Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.   I usually teach adult classes in shotokan karate-do evenings at the Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I am in town (schedule).  Shin-kyu Shotokan as I teach it is not primarily tournament oriented, nor is board breaking required.  While not primarily a self-defense class, aspects of self-defense techniques will be explored in the intermediate and advanced classes.  Self defense is derived from kata techniques and uses aiki-jujitsu principles; sparring is taught as application of more basic techniques and is based on a kendo foundation. Okinawan weapons (staff, nunchaku, sai, etc.) are not taught routinely.  Additionally, techniques of the Japanese sword, based on the suburi of Gomogawa Kaishin Ryu, the 10 kendo kata and on Soshoryu Iaido, are taught privately and by appointment only. 



Dr. Elmar T. Schmeisser is currently ranked Hachidan (7th-degree black belt) and has been granted the title Kyoshi by the International Society of Okinawan/Japanese Karate-Do, by the International Shotokan-ryu Karate-do Shihankai, and Senior Master Instructor (Kyoshi) by the American Teacher's Association of the Martial Arts. The karate substyle taught is Shotokan karate (lineages from Hidetaka Nishiyama/JKA and Richard Kim/Shorinjiryu).  My current research emphasis is in the analysis and practice of the historical kata (training sequences or forms) and there is an interview here. An introductory example can be found in this link to the analysis of Heian Nidan.

This page was last updated on 20 August 2022. All contents Copyright © Elmar T. Schmeisser